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首頁 > B2B技術轉移
        求 職 履 歷 表
                                                           填寫日期:110 年 5月 9
姓名 陳氏香江
證書 學士 語言證明  中文、英文
出生日期 1995/12/21
就讀學校 NTUT 系所 IMBA
就讀時間 2021
自傳 I'd like to work in project development management because it would require me to learn leadership and other skills. I worked for 3-4 years before moving to Taiwan. My most recent position requires me to lead the development of a new e-commerce initiative for online classes. In addition, prior to that, I managed other projects that increased sales revenue or other projects that recruited talent for the Talent Acquisition Program.