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                                  求 職 履 歷 表
姓名 黎明
國籍 越南
希望尋找的工作 跟行銷有關 工作地點 台灣
出生日期 1993/01/19
就讀學校 德明財經科技大學就學 系所 行銷管理系
就讀時間 自   2018   年至   2020  年
自傳 我叫Minh。 我於1993年出生在HCM市。 首先,我想介紹一下我的家人。 我來自一個大家庭,包括我的父母,一個妹妹和我。 我的父母欠公司。 妹妹剛剛畢業,正在為一家公司工作。 這就是關於家庭的一切。

 現在,我繼續介紹自己。 我畢業於文學學士學位,主修工商管理。 畢業後,我寄予厚望,並被一家公司錄用並工作了6年。 在這段工作之後,我積累了寶貴的經驗。
 但是,我意識到經濟學正在不斷發展。 生活正在日新月異。 此外,對於我自己來說,我認為我需要提高知識和語言以適應這個世界上的這些變化。 經過慎重考慮,我決定停止工作,併計劃出國學習。 為了改善自己,改善工作,生活和技能,我最終決定選擇一個經濟和教育發達的國家。 是台灣 我相信這是一個至關重要的決定。
 我也是一個社交人。 我想見面並與人交朋友。 特別是,與他人共享是我的最愛。 我通常在有空的時候學習咖啡樹。

 總而言之,課程結束後,我將尋找一份工作來將我所學的知識應用到我的職業和生活中。 同時,我的夢想工作是自己開一家咖啡連鎖店。 我選擇比爾·蓋特的話是:“不要將自己與這個世界上的任何人相提並論……如果這樣做,那是在侮辱自己”。
My name is Minh. I was born in 1993, HCM city. First, I’d like to introduce a little bit about my family. I come from an extended family including my parents, a younger sister, and me. My parents owe a business. The younger sister has just graduated, and she is working for a company. That’s all about family.

Now, I move on introducing about myself. I graduated with BA (Bachelor of Art) degree and specialized in Business Administration. With high expectation after graduation, I was recruited by a company and worked in 6 years. After this period of working, I archived valuable experience. 
However, I’ve realized that economics is continuously being developed. Life is being modernized day by day. Besides, for myself, I see that I need to improve knowledge, and language to catch up these changes in this world. After thinking carefully, I decided to stop to work and planned study abroad. In order to, improve myself for a better work, life, and skills, finally, I came up with decision to choose a country which has developed economics and education. It is Taiwan. I believe this is a crucial decision. 
I’m also a social person. I’d like to meet and make friends with people. Especially, sharing with others is my favorite. I usually study coffee-tree whenever I have free time.

In conclusion, when courses are finished, I’ll look for a job to apply what I’m studying into my career, and life. Simultaneously, my dream job is to open a coffee shop chain on my own. The quote from Bill Gate which I have chosen is “don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world… if you do so you are insulting yourself”.