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首頁 > B2B技術轉移
求 職 履 歷 表
填寫日期:111年 01月 10日
姓名 鄧氏玉欣
證書 學士 語言證明 中文, 越文
出生日期 1999/11/09
就讀學校 銘傳大學 系所 國際貿易系
就讀時間 2018 - 2021
I hope things are well with you.
Being educated and having grown up in various cultures has assisted me to be a suitable candidate for a worldwide corporation like yours. Consciousness, openness to experiment and cross-cultural communication are the outstanding characteristics I possess. I also had experience working with international students. Moreover, my Chinese proficiency is equivalent to TOCFL level 4.
I strongly believe that your organization provides the best opportunities for me to study and contribute to. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. Please stay safe amid the pandemic!

聯絡人  台越經濟文化教育發展協會 
電話 : (886) 2 2595 0908 (楊小姐)
手機 : (886) 918 180 268
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