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首頁 > B2B技術轉移
求職履歷表-Tran Thi Huong Giang
求 職 履 歷 表
填寫日期:110年 9月 17日
姓名 Tran Thi Huong Giang
證書 碩士 語言證明 英文, 越文
出生日期 1995/12/21
就讀學校 National Taipei University of Technology 系所 IMBA - International Master of Business Administration Program
就讀時間 2019 - 2021
自傳 I’m Sammy. I learned IMBA in Taiwan so now I just graduated. Before I came to Taiwan, I already worked in Vietnam. My latest work is related to setting up the Partnership Development Department for Education E-commerce Platform. My other position is a project team leader. I lead 3 projects in my company, which relate to sales, customer service and recruitment. I always want to learn new knowledge and new challenges.
聯絡人  台越經濟文化教育發展協會 
電話 : (886) 2 2595 0908 (王小姐)
手機 : (886) 918 180 268
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